MacKenzie Cloy, Converge Conference Keynote Speaker

MacKenzie Cloy is currently the Program Manager for Kankakee Forgives. Prior to joining Kankakee Forgives she formally served as both the Center Director and Development Director for the Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center. Under her leadership, the Kankakee Center experienced a 17% increase in their annual income and a 57.4% increase in client appointments. She is also a certified facilitator for Our Community Listens with the Chapman Foundation for Caring Communities where she has joined the foundation’s mission of developing “a society where leaders have the skills and courage to care.” MacKenzie earned her Bachelors in Social Work & Non-Profit Management from Olivet Nazarene University. 

At age 16 MacKenzie suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury as a result of a fatal car accident. After this near death experience she dedicated her life to becoming a passionate advocate with a vision to empower entities within her community towards change that improves accessibility and quality of life.

Top Strengths: Includer, Restorative, Developer, Belief, Empathy
5 Voices: Guardian, Nurturer, Pioneer