Converge Conference

At the heart of Converge is the value we place on community and connections.
In that spirit, allow us to announce Converge Conference 2024!

From our beginning, Converge has been about developing people and organizations. We do that in many ways, and our conference is designed to be an active, engaged day of learning in community. Connect with other leaders across industries as we come together at Converge 2024!


DATE: October 11th
TIME: 8:30a – 4:00p
LOCATION: 249 South Schuyler, Kankakee IL
(formerly Love’s Bookstore)


The Converge Conference will not only include local keynote speakers and panels, but also breakout sessions that will take the content discussed and provide ways to immediately put it into action.

Building stronger community and connections will take place through:

✔️ Creating ideas and products together

✔️ Focusing on community and what helps it grow

✔️ Discussing how we can be a part of building something new and better

✔️ Identifying “next steps” for personal and organizational growth

The 2024 Converge Conference will be a FULL DAY experience including: keynote speakers, panels, breakout sessions, and more!


8:30am: Doors Open, Registration, Networking, Vendors, Coffee and Food Available

9:00am: Welcome from Dr. Jeff Williamson

9:10am: Keynote 1 – Dr. Melvina Calvin-Edwards: Kankakee Police Officer; Law Enforcement, Kankakee Community College

9:50am: Reset, Relate, Renew Panel

10:40am: Morning Break

11:00am: Breakout Session 1

12:00pm: Lunch Break

1:00pm Breakout Session 2

2:00pm: Breakout Session 3

3:00pm: Keynote 2 – Dr. Michael Boyd: President, Kankakee Community College

3:45pm: Closing from Dr. Jeff Williamson

3:45pm: Book Signing with Dr. Jeff Williamson

4:00pm: Event Concludes


Embracing a New Purpose: Leadership in the Community

As many of us know, stepping into a new leadership role within a community comes with both opportunities and challenges. It’s a journey that requires not only vision and strategy but also a deep commitment to authenticity.

Together we’ll explore how to navigate this journey—how to accept the mantle of leadership while staying grounded in who you are, strengthening relationships with those around you, and renewing connections that may have been lost or overlooked. It’s about resetting your way of thinking, embracing new approaches, and leading with a sense of purpose that resonates with the community you serve.

Whether you’re stepping into a new role or seeking to deepen your impact in your current position, today’s talk will provide valuable insights on how to lead with authenticity, foster meaningful connections, and approach your leadership journey with a fresh perspective.

Reset, Relate, and Renew Professionally

Whether you’re an educator, a leader, or a professional in any field, the idea of taking time to pause, reflect, and re-engage is crucial. Today, we’ll dive into how we can harness the power of these cycles to continuously evolve in our roles, build stronger connections with those around us, and find fresh inspiration in the work we’re passionate about.

Let’s explore how, by embracing these cycles of reset, relate, and renew, we can not only enhance our own professional growth but also contribute to the broader success of our teams and organizations.


Our panelists are entrepreneurs, investors, leaders and business owners who are investing their energies enhancing places and spaces. Hear how each one envisions the continued renewal across our community.

Click on each panel member to learn more.


Click on each individual to learn more.

Eric Peterson – Project Headspace & Timing: Renewing Community

Megan CampbellRise & Thrive Wellness: Creativity & Leadership

Melvina Calvin-Edwards, Post-Keynote Reflections, Q&A

Barbi Brewer-Watson: Kankakee ECDA: Economic Growth & Renewal

Bill Yohnka – Currents of Kankakee: Riverfront Development : Currents of Kankakee

Katherine Henson – Pathfinder: Reset Your Marketing Strategies

Jesse Erickson – Pathfinder: Growth Strategies To Renew Your Business

Nicole Gavin – Visit Kankakee County: Renewing Adventure

Kelsey Post, Jakob Knox, & Ty Lewis – Emerging Leaders & Young Professionals Roundtable

Amy Zabel – Executive Director, Iroquois Mental Health Center



Coffee Break

Breakfast, Coffee, Lunch Provided By




Converge Conference 2023