Self Awareness Is Foundational To Every Leader – Liz Hehman
“As you grow self-awareness you grow in humility, you value each team member’s voice and gain their trust.”
Liz Hehman, a certified guide and consultant at Highline Leadership Development Group, joins our hosts Jeff Williamson and Brian Prairie to talk about her journey through leadership that started as a passion at a young age.
Liz’s journey to developing leaders started during high school as others began speaking truth into her, recognized leadership traits within her, and encouraged her while giving opportunities to stretch those. As she got into her own career in Higher Education and Student Development, it became a natural fit for her to pass that leadership and shaping on.
Over the years, her leadership evolved into also training her colleagues. She began helping people think through their giftedness, what they want in a career, where they feel called, and how to develop in order to maximize the influence they have.
As she continued her journey through coaching and developing, she shifted her perspective from Higher Education to a different context.
Meet Your Guest
Liz Hehman
Liz Hehman is the founder and CEO of Highline Leadership Development Group.
With 15 years of experience in personal and professional development training for the emerging workforce, she now equips a variety of leaders to advance their team culture and performance.
Liz focuses on: – Become a liberating leader who fights for the highest good of your people – Form a clear, data-driven plan to develop yourself and your team – Maximize your team’s overall performance
About the Leadership LevelUp Podcast
Being a boss and a leader are very different. A boss tells you what to do and a leader partners with you in the process. Jeff, being a leader of leaders, has a vast knowledge of best practices and exercises to discover leadership traits. Brian shares stories with Jeff about the ups and downs of his leadership quest while talking to business and community leaders to discuss their personal leadership journey. Who influenced them? What do they do when they have a bad day? What gives them inspiration? Do french fries or tacos or ice cream make them feel better after a bad day? Through laughter and casual conversation, Brian and Jeff explore all aspects of good leadership.
Meet Your Hosts
Jeff Williamson
Brian Prairie
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Pathfinder: A full-service creative & marketing agency with a mission to provide strategic storytelling to our clients. There is no greater impact in this world than a story. Storytelling is how we learn, remember, and feel. The world has used storytelling since the beginning of time to entertain, teach, inspire, and innovate. Pathfinder’s mission is to provide strategic storytelling for our clients. How? Through inventive business services and pioneering campaigns that help organizations find their own path and carry out their vision.